Solana-Based DEX Permanently Loses $661,000
Summary:OptiFi, a DeFi options trading protocol on Solana, announced on Tuesday that it had accidentally shut down its mainnet, leaving $661,000 in user funds inaccessible.

Optifi damages 661000 usdc due to accidental program shutdown

Optifi informed customers on Monday when its development and design team tried to upgrade its code that its service platform had been completed too early. According to the decentralized exchange, the plan's error also identified $661000 coins (usdc) on the chain.

Optifi has made a service commitment to compensate customers for the loss of all assets due to incorrect operation. It is reported that a large part of the locked usdc is granted to its team members. The enterprise also reminded other Solana blockchain developers to pay attention to the impact of the "Solana program shutdown" instruction.

Causing incorrect process

In a news media article, the system explained in detail what caused the sudden cancellation of its main online line. It all started with upgrading Solana program code.

Because the team called it "poor network state", the deployment time was longer than usual, and the command was interrupted. However, a buffer area detailed address is formed to accept the sol that the team tries to recover.

Previously, the team was able to repair the sol from the buffer area account only by stopping the program, without applying the running memory statement. After the implementation of the instruction, this method seemed reasonable at first. Since the team restored sol, students could try to deploy the program again.

An incorrect message is received, indicating that the program has stopped and cannot be reconfigured before using the new program ID. Discussions with key developers of Solana verified the team's dissatisfaction that this project cannot be reconfigured with its previous ID.

In fact, we don't really understand the impact and risk of shutting down the program CMD. The "Solana program shut down" is actually to permanently shut down the program and push the sol dynamic password in the cache account used by the program to the wallet of the recycler.

Optifi claims that it has learned a lesson from the accident and will take effective measures to avoid recurrence. According to Solana defi agreement, the implementation of the future contract will applySupervision mode of the same industry"This method requires at least three participants to participate in the assessment of the process used by deployed staff to prevent future inaccuracies. Optifi also stressed that it plans to compensate all affected customers.

A potential solution for Solana

Richard Patel is a soft writer of firedancer, a mobile phone client of Solana verifier of jump crypto. She gave a potential solution to the incident. It is reported that the patch package will lead to the recovery of the deleted Solana new project and the corresponding assets held in such contracts.

The proposal has been submitted to Solana GitHub repository, but this is only the beginning. Patel's proposal needs to pass technical evaluation before being selected as a role (the name of the applicable function of blockchain Technology). This function must be approved by most Solana verifiers before the voice is stimulated on the Internet.

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