Deribit transferred 10,000 ETH to an Alameda address in the past 10 days
Summary:A Deribit address transferred 10,000 ETH in five transactions to a wallet associated with Alameda Research. The nature of the transfers is still unknown.

Data from Etherscan shows that an address identified by Deribit 9 has sent 10000 ETH to the addresses related to Alameda Research. As of the time of submission, the address held 12812.6 ETH in total.

10000 ETH is divided into five 2000 ETH transactions, the first of which was pushed on December 10. Deribit address currently holds about 3473 ETH and slightly higher than 766351 USDC.

alameda deribit
Screen capture shows the transaction from Deribet 9 identification address to the relevant address of Alameda Research (origin: Etherscan)

In a statement in November, Nansen identified 0xF02 as one of the wallets of Alameda Research. The multi signature wallet will be built after the end of the FTX crash, and its main purpose is still unknown.

Some analysts believe that this wallet was built by white hat hackers who tried to collect the remaining part of Alameda's decentralized funds. Others stressed that it may also be that the Bahamas regulatory authorities set up wallets.

The nature of the transfer of the New Delhi Bitter Dog to the Alameda connection address remains unclear. The exchange in Balama, the headquarters of the company, did not post about the transaction.

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