Monthly crypto exchange volume tumbled in May, hitting 32-month low
Summary:Although there are a lot of builders in the crypto space, the total money being invested into the crypto market has hit 32-month lows in May. Cryptocurrency monthly exchange volume, which calculates spot market volume across all crypto exchanges, was $439.42 billion in May, down over 27% from $604.88 billion in April, according to data from The Block. Binance, the largest exchange, saw about $218 billion in monthly exchange volume during May, dropping about 26% from $293.83 billion in the prev

Although there are a lot of builders in the crypto space, the total money being invested into the crypto market has hit 32-month lows in May. Cryptocurrency monthly exchange volume, which calculates spot market volume across all crypto exchanges, was $439.42 billion in May, down over 27% from $604.88 billion in April, according to data from The Block. Binance, the largest exchange, saw about $218 billion in monthly exchange volume during May, dropping about 26% from $293.83 billion in the previous month.

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