Biggest Crypto Stablecoin Tether Was Once Backed by Chinese Securities
Summary:(Bloomberg) -- Tether Holdings Ltd. once counted securities issued by Chinese companies among the reserves backing its USDT stablecoin, the world’s largest, documents released by New York’s Attorney General show. Most Read from BloombergA Goldman Partner’s Sexually Explicit Video Led to Millions in SettlementAfrica’s Richest City Is Crumbling Under Chaos and CorruptionSocial Security Benefits Targeted for Cuts by House ConservativesAlphabet Selling Google Domains Assets to SquarespaceCrispin Ode

(Bloomberg) -- Tether Holdings Ltd. once counted securities issued by Chinese companies among the reserves backing its USDT stablecoin, the world’s largest, documents released by New York’s Attorney General show. Most Read from BloombergA Goldman Partner’s Sexually Explicit Video Led to Millions in SettlementAfrica’s Richest City Is Crumbling Under Chaos and CorruptionSocial Security Benefits Targeted for Cuts by House ConservativesAlphabet Selling Google Domains Assets to SquarespaceCrispin Ode

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