Crypto Exchange Kraken Faces SEC Probe Over Unregistered Securities
Summary:(Bloomberg) -- Kraken, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is embroiled in a probe by a top US financial regulator over whether it broke securities rules related to certain offerings to American clients, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.Most Read from BloombergMeta Asks Many Managers to Get Back to Making Things or LeaveGeorge Santos Gets Into Fight With Mitt Romney at State of the Union DebutBiden Taunts Xi Days After Shooting Down Chinese BalloonTrump Charges

(Bloomberg) -- Kraken, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is embroiled in a probe by a top US financial regulator over whether it broke securities rules related to certain offerings to American clients, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.Most Read from BloombergMeta Asks Many Managers to Get Back to Making Things or LeaveGeorge Santos Gets Into Fight With Mitt Romney at State of the Union DebutBiden Taunts Xi Days After Shooting Down Chinese BalloonTrump Charges

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