Silvergate’s Big Crypto Losses Feed Watchdogs’ Worst Fears
Summary:(Bloomberg) -- For months, US authorities have been racing to sever ties between banks and risky crypto ventures, worried the financial system could someday suffer serious losses. They may have been too late.Most Read from BloombergSorry, Twitter. Elon Found His Next Shiny Object.How to Get a Free Flight to Hong Kong in 500,000 Airline Ticket GiveawayWorld’s Rich Take Advantage as $1 Trillion Property Market CratersMusk Was Right About Tesla Rivals Losing BillionsChina Leaders Surprised by Pace

(Bloomberg) -- For months, US authorities have been racing to sever ties between banks and risky crypto ventures, worried the financial system could someday suffer serious losses. They may have been too late.Most Read from BloombergSorry, Twitter. Elon Found His Next Shiny Object.How to Get a Free Flight to Hong Kong in 500,000 Airline Ticket GiveawayWorld’s Rich Take Advantage as $1 Trillion Property Market CratersMusk Was Right About Tesla Rivals Losing BillionsChina Leaders Surprised by Pace

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