Silvergate Bet Everything on Crypto, Then Watched It Evaporate
Summary:(Bloomberg) -- Silvergate Capital Corp. spent its final days under siege.Most Read from BloombergMeta Plans Thousands More Layoffs as Soon as This WeekYour Next Holiday Flight Will Cost a FortuneBiden to Urge 25% Billionaire Tax, Levies on Rich InvestorsIt Turns Out Money Does Buy Happiness, At Least Up to $500,000Deepest Bond Yield Inversion Since Volcker Suggests Hard LandingBombarded by shortsellers, deserted by depositors and shunned by business partners, executives at the crypto-focused ban

(Bloomberg) -- Silvergate Capital Corp. spent its final days under siege.Most Read from BloombergMeta Plans Thousands More Layoffs as Soon as This WeekYour Next Holiday Flight Will Cost a FortuneBiden to Urge 25% Billionaire Tax, Levies on Rich InvestorsIt Turns Out Money Does Buy Happiness, At Least Up to $500,000Deepest Bond Yield Inversion Since Volcker Suggests Hard LandingBombarded by shortsellers, deserted by depositors and shunned by business partners, executives at the crypto-focused ban

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