Crypto Scours the Globe for Banks to Replace Collapsed US Lenders
Summary:(Bloomberg) -- Crypto hedge fund executive Marco Lim spent Monday racing to open bank accounts in Hong Kong after the sudden collapse of three US lenders.Most Read from BloombergFDIC Auction for Failed SVB Underway, Final Bids Due SundayFed’s New Backstop Shields Banks From $300 Billion of LossesTreasuries Surge as Traders Recalibrate Rate Bets: Markets WrapSignature Seized by Regulators as Pain Spreads From SVB’s FallUS Discusses Fund to Backstop Deposits If More Banks FailThe hedge fund, MaiCa

(Bloomberg) -- Crypto hedge fund executive Marco Lim spent Monday racing to open bank accounts in Hong Kong after the sudden collapse of three US lenders.Most Read from BloombergFDIC Auction for Failed SVB Underway, Final Bids Due SundayFed’s New Backstop Shields Banks From $300 Billion of LossesTreasuries Surge as Traders Recalibrate Rate Bets: Markets WrapSignature Seized by Regulators as Pain Spreads From SVB’s FallUS Discusses Fund to Backstop Deposits If More Banks FailThe hedge fund, MaiCa

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