0xPlasma Labs proposes Uniswap v3 deployment to BNB Chain
Summary:0xPlasma Labs proposes deploying Uniswap v3 to BNB Chain, potentially bringing in additional users and value.

0xIlia, CEO of Plasma Labs, suggested that Uniswap v3 be deployed to BNB Chain (Binance), which may bring an additional $1 billion in total lock-in (TVL) and 1-2 billion new users. At this stage, the proposal is under discussion.

Ilia is a continuous advocate and facilitator of the Uniswap ecosystem. He suggested discussing with the community the probability of deploying Uniswap v3 on the BNB chain.

"Uniswap ecosystem is particularly important in exploring the world's decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. However, it has not deployed its protocol to the BNB Chain, the second largest blockchain infrastructure construction (based on quantity and customers).

Ilia discussed the "missed opportunities" of Uniswap, indicating that the website can "expand its coverage and will promote the further rapid growth of DeFi"

Elia pays attention to that deploying Uniswap on the BNB chain can bring multiple benefits to the Uniswap ecosystem, including:

TVL increased by US $1 billion and its trading volume increased, bringing benefits to the liquidity service providers. 1 million to 2 million new users, and the adoption rate of UNI tokens has increased. DeFi developers more respect and praise the Uniswap NFT service platform, because the BNB chain NFT infrastructure construction is poor.

Ilia summarized its proposal in a short announcement:

"This is the most important decision. Let's discuss it!"

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