BNB chain introduces new web3 storage product ‘BNB Greenfield’
Summary:The storage system will use BNB as its native token and will become the third blockchain in the BNB ecosystem that already comprises of BNB Beacon Chain and BNB Smart Chain.

BNB chain encouraged by Binance launched Web3 infrastructure construction commodity of distributed ledger BNB GreenfieldCryptoSlate。

BNB Greenfield is a distributed system storage system with smart contract integration of Web3 application software. The new channel will allow users to have good control over their data.

The measurement network of the storage system is now being developed and built by BNB ChainCommunity development teamAmazon Platform Web Service Project (AWS),NodeReal,andBlockdaemon

According to the news report, the storage system will use BNB as the local dynamic password, and even become the third blockchain technology in the BNB ecosystem, which already includes BNB Beacon Chain and BNB Smart Chain.

"The storage service provider will charge the user in US dollars to give the user a stable and long-term grasp of the cost of BNB greening maintenance, even if BNB payment is applied."

The developer added that the website will allow users to store their data, deploy their website, operate the data in a programming way, and store historical time data for the BNB ecosystem.

BNB greening application NFT and smart contract management method data ownership

At the same time, this system will use irreplaceable tokens (NFT) and smart contracts to adjust ownership and allow the available data loaded into its system software. It added that BNB green blockchain technology will store metadata, while third-party service providers will store specific data.

According to the news report, the storage system design can meet the needs of Web 2 developers and a large number of users.

Victor Genin, the most senior processing solution architect of BNB Chain, said:

"BNB Chain is working with BNB Greenfield to open up a new theme of data ownership and effects. BNB Greenfield also creates effects and financial opportunities for the data stored in the store, and makes data ownership editable."

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