Is your crypto safe? Check the security of your portfolio with NGRAVE
Summary:Check the security of your crypto portfolio with NGRAVE's third annual self-audit and get the chance to win valuable prizes.

NGRAVE, a hardware wallet manufacturer, launched its own financial audit of security, enabling users to view the security of its encryption portfolio.

Despite the continuous bear market in the stock market, the number of encryption crimes has not decreased. In 2022, cyber hackers stole about US $3.8 billion worth of cryptocurrency, making it a record-breaking era for encryption crimes. The vast majority of stolen assets can be attributed to the vulnerability of the blockchain smart contract system, the depletion of wallets and the incorrect users who caused serious losses.

For the third year, NGRAVE tried to make people aware of the necessity of good security practices in cryptocurrency, and provide users with their own financial audit and improve property security capabilities.

In order to encourage users to improve their security, NGRAVE will provide valuable gifts, including NGRAVE Combo suits, Efani's mobile plan this year and DieFi platinum account.

This four-minute survey and analysis are free and anonymous, providing users with tips on improving encryption security based on the conclusion. The gifts will be distributed to 23 users in March 2023 in the form of random selection.

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