The Origins of Poca and Web3.0
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  • 2022-08-17
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Summary:The biggest feature of Web3.0 is a decentralized network, but the current blockchain cannot bear a huge network, and the goal of Boca is to compose multiple blockchains into a blockchain network.

The biggest feature of Web3.0 is a decentralized network, but the current blockchain cannot bear a huge network, and the goal of Boca is to compose multiple blockchains into a blockchain network, which is in line with the expectation of Web3.0, so Boca is also the lowest infrastructure of Web3.0.

Web1.0 is the first generation of the Internet, it is a static, one-way network, in other words, users can only one-sided access to the information presented to us. At the beginning, Web1.0 was widely used by business information companies. Some enterprises would put their product information on the Internet, and users could find their favorite products through information retrieval, and then get in touch with the company.

However, Web1.0 only provides the function of information search, but lacks the information interaction between people. Based on such problems, Web2.0 comes into being. Compared with Web1.0, Web2.0 pays more attention to two-way interaction. Coupled with the rise of social networks, a large number of users participate in it, and users can not only browse, but also output content.

Therefore, more and more people join the Internet industry, the Internet industry really ushered in a vigorous development. In such explosive growth, some Internet giants also emerged.

The definition of Web3.0

So what exactly is Web 3.0? Gavin Wood defines Web3.0 as a set of inclusive protocols that provide building blocks for application manufacturers. Gavin also refers to Web3.0 as a "post-Snowden" Web that can redefine the rules of information interaction between any two carriers.

"For information that we feel we can make public, we publish it ourselves. For information that we think we have a consensus on, put it in the consensus ledger. Information that we consider to be private will be kept confidential and will never be disclosed."

Everyone will be able to control their own identity, data, assets, and everyone will be a trusted node, without the need for a third party environment for good interaction.

"Web3.0 will spawn a whole new global digital economy, create new business models and markets, break platform monopolies like Google and Facebook, and generate a great deal of bottom-up innovation." This is Gavin Wood's vision of Web3.0.

The origins of poca and Web3.0

To realize the decentralized information interaction network like Web3.0, the decentralized attribute provided by blockchain is needed as the consensus engine. However, at present, a single blockchain cannot carry a huge network, and there is the problem of information islands among multiple blockchains.

Although many blockchain projects, such as public chain and alliance chain, are increasingly developing, and the ecological application, funds and data on them are also accumulating over time, these projects are not able to interact with assets, data and other information well, which is not conducive to the growth of the whole blockchain world, and does not meet the development needs of Web3.0. Therefore, how to build a large blockchain network that can rival the existing Internet without affecting the development of each blockchain, and enable them to establish a good connection for the transmission of information, assets, data, has become a critical need.

Boca was born in this context, and boca is in line with Web3.0, because boca was put forward by Dr. Gavin Wood, who proposed the concept of Web3.0. As the definer of Web3.0, Dr. Gavin also knows what Web3.0 needs best. Therefore, when designing Boca, he endowed Boca with the expectation of Web3.0. The blockchain network built by Boca, which connects all blockchains, can not only fit the current development situation of many public chains and alliance chains. It can also meet the needs of Web3.0 for decentralized network, so poca will be the best expression of consensus engine in Web3.0.

The characteristics of poca have also attracted many Web3.0 projects to join them. The previously mentioned Mask Network is working with many poca ecology, and Filecoin is a regular participant in the Web3 conference. Gavin also mentioned that accounting is used to build a bridge for it. Plug Filecoin into Boca ecology.

As the infrastructure of the next generation of Internet, Poca will rely on the cross-chain network effect brought by the blockchain network formed by the heterogeneous multi-chain architecture. In the future, more Web3.0 projects will join the Poca ecology, and interconnect with each other, which will finally give a new definition of the "digital era".

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